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Extract of a Letter from Grenada Printed in the Gazette

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The restoration of the public peace in this county, and those of Hampshire and Berkshire, is an event devoutly wished for by every good member of society; we flattered ourselves that that period was fast advancing; but the rising of the insurgents last week to prevent the sitting of the Courts of Common Pleas, &c. at Springfield in the county of Hampshire, has damped our hopes, and we are now fearful that the blessing we need, is yet at a distance. The prayer of the wise and good is, "that the inhabitants of these three counties, may know the things which belong to their peace, before they are hid forever from their eyes." A correspondent observes, that for very particular reasons, government did not order any opposition to be made; but that the consequences of another rising to oppose the Courts of Justice, may be justly dreaded.

The disorders in this Commonwealth are now a topick of conversation, not only in the United States, the British Colonies, and West-India islands, but also in Europe.—Our character as a State suffers beyond the conception; as balls rolled in snow, so do reports concerning us magnify as they increase their distance. That Great-Britain has sent emissaries amongst us to stir up an insurrection, we do not believe, but that some in this State have vainly thought of, and proposed bringing us again under the subjection of Britain, is not to be denied, and that the British are much pleased with the proceedings of the insurgents, is without doubt:-- The following copied from a Pennsylvania news-paper, confirms the truth of this observation, viz.

"Extract of a letter from Grenada (an English island in the West-Indies) to a gentleman in Philadelphia, dated November 11, 1786.

"The inhabitants of this place are in great spirits and highly elated, owing to a report,-- that an insurrection has taken place in New-England, and that 15,000 men had already taken arms, and 20,000 more in readiness to join them, against the Congress, and in support of the British flag."