"[D]eeming the Safety of the Commonwealth inconsistent with the personal liberty of Job
Shattuck," Governor James Bowdoin and his Council issued this warrant for the arrest of Shattuck arrest and four other men.
Governor Bowdoin issued this strongly worded proclamation after Regulators had kept the Court of Common Pleas in Northampton from opening on August 29, 1786.
This Disqualification Act was passed by the House and Senate of Massachusetts on February 16, 1787. It laid out the process by which former Regulators could be pardoned.
This proclamation issued by Governor John Hancock in June 1787, forgives any treasonous acts by citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts involved in what became known as Shays' Rebellion.
Governor Bowdoin issued this proclamation on February 9, 1787, requiring officers and "all other good Subjects within this Commonwealth" to search for and apprehend the Regulator leaders.