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Thomas' Almanack for 1784

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to be capable of holding at the same time more than one of the following offices, except being Military Officers and Justices of the Peace, viz. Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court; Judge of Probate; Sheriff; Register of Probate; Register of Deeds.- No person holding the office of Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court; Secretary; Attorney General; Solicitor-General; Treasurer; Judge of Probate; Commissary-General; President, Professor or Instructor of Harvard College; Sheriff; Clerk of the House of Representatives; Register of Probate; Register of Deeds; Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court; Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas; or Officer of the Customs including Naval Officers, shall at the same time have a seat in the Senate or House of Representatives.- All Commissions and Writs in any of the Courts of Law to be in The Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.- And all the Laws heretofore adopted to be in force until altered or repealed by the Legislature.- The Constitution is to be revised in the year 1795, and if thought necessary, may be amended.


WHEN the Greeks were raising forces against Troy, they sent Ambassadors to Poltis King of Thrace, to desire his assistance. Be enquired the cause of the war; and was told, it was the injury Paris had done Menelaus, in taking his wife from him. "If that be all, said the good King, let me accommodate the difference. Indeed it is not just the Greek Prince should lose a wife; and on the other side it is a pity the Trojan should want one. Now, I have two wives; and, to prevent all this mischief, I will send one of them to Menelaus and the other to Paris." It is a shame says Mr. Pope, in his notes on the ninth book of the Iliad, this story is so little known, and that poor Poltis yet remains uncelebrated. I cannot but recommend him says he, to the modern Poets.

WHOEVER speaks too much does often betray himself. Great talkers are commonly very contemptible, and very much despised. A liar is hated by God and despised by men. A liar it not to be trusted.