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Historical Collections, by John Warner Barber

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Southern view of Williamsburg.

This village is 8 miles from Northampton, and 103 from Boston. Population, 1,345.

The Williamsburg woollen, linen and cotton manufactory was incorporated in 1825, with a capital of $250,000. In 1837, there were 3 woollen mills; 42,150 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $69,235; males employed, 26; females, 25; capital invested, $33,700; value of flexible and japan buttons manufactured, $102,500; hands employed, 13 males and 105 females; capital invested, $39,000; value of axes manufactured, $6,106; value of augers, bitts, and bitt-stocks manufactured, $2,310; value of gimblets, screw-drivers, and punches manufactured, $4,066.


THIS town was incorporated in 1768. The Rev. Jonathan Huntington appears to have been the first minister in the place. He died in 1780, aged 48; his successor in the ministry was Rev. Josiah Spaulding, who died in 1803; the next minister was Rev. Jonathan L. Pomeroy, who died in 1836, aged 67. The next minister was Rev. Henry Adams, who was settled in 1833.

This township occupies an elevated situation near the center of the Green mountain range, upon its eastern declivity. The waters in this township are discharged into the Connecticut by the Westfield river, the principal branch of which washes the south-west boundary of the town, and other branches pass through the middle and north-east parts. It is one of the best townships of land in this vicinity; the surface is handsome and pleasant, and much of the soil rich and productive, producing grain, fruits, &c. In 1837, there were in this town 9,050 merino sheep; wool produced, 27,000 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs.; value of wool, $16,875; capital invested, $25,000; value of curtains manufactured, $10,125;